Thursday, April 30, 2009


Ok so I havent kept up every week like I wanted to...but dang...everyday life gets in the way. Not that anyone is reading seriously I really dont think anyone is reading this because I dont think I have given the link out yet. OOPS. Guess I should do that soon.

Our life is pretty normal, boring, you know everyday life! We go to work, come home, do homework with the kiddos, hear whining, and crying, and bickering. Make dinner, eat, and hear some more whining. Isaiah's fighting with Bella, who is our chihauhau. She bites him. He cries. He bites her back. She whines. So this goes on for a bit until they start chasing each other again. I'll have to get this on video soon. It's priceless. Of course I know when I record it, Isaiah will not want to do anything but look AT the i kinda have to sneak up on them. But this will be hard..cuz in the heck am I going to sneak up on a dog? Oh well. I'll have to try. But I digress....Then comes the bath, which can go good or bad. Screaming or no screaming... But all in all this goes well until it's time to get OUT of the bath. And here comes the screaming part again...or maybe not. Once this is all said and done. It's bed time, quiet time...watever you want to call it. But quiet it is NOT. So bedtime...yayyy...unless I'm laying in bed with my eyes wide open for who knows what reason and I cant go to sleep.

Yeah this is pretty much a ritual...but hey...that my life...My Everyday Life and I wouldn't trade it for the world!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Lets Get Started

Well I'll try to update this at least weekly if I remember. I am totally new to this...

Family life is going very good. Taking things day by day.

Isaiah is getting so big and talking so much. The conversations he has are so amazing and funny. He is sooo into animals right now. We took him to the zoo a couple weeks ago and that is all he can talk about. He is always saying "mamma, go the zoom....wanna go see the animals" Lol.... Potty training is almost complete. We can take him out in underwear (under all his clothes of course) and he will let us know that he has to potty. We are still trying to takle the poop issue. He will ask for a pamper(pull-up) when he needs to use the poop, then will tell us he is done and to change him. I have tried to put him on the potty so he can go in there. Nope. He is not having it. So for now we are doing it his way. I'll keep trying with him but of course he'll go when HE is ready. This age is so FUN!!!

Anita is doing awesome as well. She is liking 5th grade and OMG i cant believe next year she will be in Middle School. Yup, I cant wrap my brain around that idea just yet. LOL. I swear that girl is 11 going on 16. I put her in ballet classes again on her bday in Oct, and she is just loving that. They have this middle school of choice in our district that offer ballet and she is wanting to go there. I am still debating and need to get more information. I am just a little concerned with the kids making fun of her. If she goes to the school she is zoned to go then she will be with her sister Mariah for a year. She will also know almost everyone at that school which is a good thing for her. She is just so sweet and innocent, i feel that kids at the other school wont know her and take advantage of her. So many things to think about. Health wise she is doing excellent since her surgery last Feb. We are going for a 1 yr post surgery check up in a couple weeks. She is doing just great though no problems.

Mariah is a typical teenager now. Yes she turned 14 in December and thinks she is 20. She wants to grow up so fast but we keep telling her that she will get her turn to go out with friends and have fun. She is only in 7th grade. She is doing awesome in school and we couldn't be more proud of her. She has come such a long way since we got her in 2nd grade. Man I cant believe it's been that long!!! LOL... She is so into Betty Boop right now.

Amanda well what can I say, she is 17. Thinks she knows everything and everyone is out to get her. Ya know...typical teenager stuff.. Although she is 4 months pg now. She is excited and she is healthy so that is good. We will be there for her and her baby. She finds out at the end of this month what she is having. So as soon as we know...i'll be sure to post.

It's gonna be crazy weird to have another baby in the house. It's been 2 1/2 years since Isaiah was born. But it's gonna be fun...and the best kind, I can give the baby back to it's mamma...LOL....

Well that's all for now. I'll post more when I can. Till next time!!!